
Esta imagem possuí um atributo alt vazio; O nome do arquivo é hidroponia-biofertilizantes-e-bioestimulantes.jpg

Agricultural biostimulants act on the plant’s natural processes, improving its growth and productive capacity. The objective of biostimulants is to encourage the plant’s natural biochemical processes that are of value to improve the quality and productivity of the crops.

The principles on which biostimulants operate are different from those of fertilizers, highlighting that they function regardless of the nutrients present. Furthermore, Symborg’s biostimulant products are compatible with the use of all types of fertilizers.


The new generation biostimulants developed by Symborg offer multiple benefits:

  • They promote plant growth and increase agricultural yields, optimizing the supply of fertilizers and water to the soil.
  • They increase the plants’ tolerance to drought and salinity.
  • They prevent soil degradation, contributing to soil regeneration from the effective mycelium network.
  • They prevent CO2 loss by capturing the element and converting it into fungal biomass.
  • They stabilize the ecosystems’ ecological functioning and productivity.

As they are organic products, they do not produce undesirable residue on the plants, nor do they alter the genetic characteristics of the crops and harvests.

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