Fertilizer from A to Z

What to consider when choosing the best fertilizer?
• conditions identified by the soil analysis;
• culture needs;
• application technology;
• product quality;
• costs involved with the product, freight and its application.

Why is it essential to know the different fertilizers?
Fertilizers form the basis of nutrition for cultivated plants. For this reason, its use cannot be random, requiring some essential knowledge for a successful result.

Thus, for example, when talking about NPK, reference is made to a mixed fertilizer composed of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Thus, continuing the previous example, the mixed fertilizer NPK 4-14-8 has 4 parts of nitrogen, for 14 parts of phosphorus and 8 parts of potassium.
Acidity, the knowledge of the acidity of the fertilizer is important, taking into account that the Brazilian soils, in general, present certain levels of acidity, sometimes high. Thus, care should be taken to use neutral or basic fertilizers to avoid further imbalancing the pH (unit of measurement of acidity and alkalinity) of the soil.

Some fertilizers can be much more expensive than others. In turn, to provide the same nutrient, it is possible to use more than one type of fertilizer. Thus, knowing the existing options allows to adjust the costs in the management of inputs.

What are macro and micronutrients and what are they?
Macro and micronutrients are components that help to ensure that plants can thrive. They are part of several stages, from the initial germination processes to those of reproduction, then they make up the entire life cycle of a plant.
Macronutrients are so called because they are required in large quantities. Thus, they are essential for the healthy development of the plant. Among them are:
• nitrogen: important for proteins, it acts in the generation of fruits and flowers;
• phosphorus: ideal for supplying energy and for the development of new structures;
• potassium: allows sweating and gas exchange, in addition to helping to prevent pests;
• sulfur: it is part of many cell components;
• calcium: favors the transport of materials and root growth;
• magnesium: is the major chlorophyll builder, which allows for photosynthesis.
Micronutrients, on the other hand, are needed in smaller quantities, but they must still be made available. Among the main ones, we can highlight:
• iron: it helps in photosynthesis, but, as the Brazilian soil is mostly acidic, it is found in large quantities;

• manganese: it also assists in the performance of photosynthesis;
• zinc: aid in reproduction;
• copper: allows the formation of seeds and favors the creation of structures;
• boron: is present in the cell division process;
• chlorine: optimizes photosynthesis and temperature control;
• molybdenum: stimulates protein synthesis by means of amino acids.
Depending on the needs of each crop or soil, fertilizer types are made up of various mixtures and concentrations of nutrients.

Thus, they offer plants what is most necessary for their potential development.
Organic fertilizer
There is a great diversity of organic fertilizers. In general, they can be related as follows:
• earthworm humus (vermicomposting product);
• organic compost (compost product);
• bone meal;
• shell flour;
• oilseed pie (product from the vegetable oil extraction industry);
• animal manure;
• biosolids or sewage sludge;
• vinasse (residue from sugar production);
• biofertilizers.

Mineral fertilizer
It is the most common fertilizer, commercialized due to its chemical formulation. The mineral fertilizer can be natural, that is, processed only physically by grinding, washing or another method made from the original ore.
In general, the basic mineral fertilizer has the formulation NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in different concentrations. Likewise, other indispensable elements have their respective commercial formulations.

Organomineral fertilizer
Organomineral fertilizer, as the name implies, results from the mixture of organic fertilizer and mineral. Its ability to solubilize in the soil, that is, the ease with which it is available to plants, is intermediate between organic fertilizer (poorly soluble) and mineral fertilizer (very soluble).
The production of organominerals is an excellent alternative to take advantage of the large amount of organic waste in certain activities, such as in pig farming. Thus, by adding phosphate mineral fertilizers, a great product is obtained for farming.

Although biofertilizers are a type of organic fertilizer, due to their importance and characteristics, they will be addressed with prominence. They are liquid organic fertilizers, produced from the addition of water in a mixture of organic materials, such as forest soil, vegetable residues, cassava starch and brown sugar, among others.

Performed together with the planting, the version by sowing applies the compounds just below the seeds. It is a way to save time and money, in addition to optimizing the development of germination. As a disadvantage, there is a need to use another technique throughout the life of the plant.

Most famous outside the country, we recommend for the use of liquid products. Spraying allows the drops to spread throughout the area of ​​interest and be absorbed by the plants through the leaves.

It is possible to use the irrigation tubes to dilute liquid or grain fertilizers. The solution is then automatically dispersed in the region. The only care is to ensure that the areas of each plant receive the necessary particles.

To be successful, we recommend that the measurement is done accurately. The use of an adequate system guarantees high accuracy, which avoids waste and favors sustainability. The use according to these practices allows to focus the focus on increasing productivity, while optimizing costs.
The types of fertilizers vary according to the composition and even the form of application. Once we’ve introduced these possibilities, you’ll have a chance to get a lot more productivity. However, it is always important to use the correct dosage to save money and not harm the environment.
Source: Academia do Plantio

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