Fulvic Acid Fertilizer

Fulvic acids are a family of organic acids, natural compounds, and components of the humus (which is a fraction of soil organic matter). They are similar to humic acids, with differences being the carbon and oxygen contents, acidity, degree of polymerization, molecular weight, and color. Fulvic acid remain in solution after removal of humic acid from humin by acidification.

Fulvic Acids are created by soil-based micro-organisms. They improve uptake of minerals and nutrients by plants. … We recommend using fulvic acid as a foliar spray or via fertigation with fertilisers and trace elements as a cost-effective way to get the benefits of fulvic acid in soils.

It enhances cell division and elongation. Root growth is magnified with obvious benefits. As a foliar spray, fulvic acid increases the plant’s oxygen uptake capacity with an associated increase in chlorophyl production and an increase in the permeability of plant membranes, improving the uptake of nutrients.

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