
Rymax Prospection

The goal is to meet the customer’s needs with the best cost benefit.

Rymax is an agent that operates internationally, serving all levels of products in our areas of operation. We focus on the products that meet the demand, but the ones suitable for each application. This is where Rymax makes all the difference, as we develop the product your company needs at the right quality and price anywhere in the world.

Rymax aims to locate and develop competent and reliable suppliers to serve our customers.

Company in the market for 31 years

Rymax services:


Our customers’ orders are monitored by our team to ensure that the confirmed product is exactly the one ordered.

We monitor the production, carry out quality control, quantity, packaging, marking, shipment deadline, etc.


Once the order is confirmed, Rymax acts as the customer’s import department, regardless of whether they have this structure or not.

Rymax services:

-We permanently track order status
-Regular import progress information for the customer and customs broker
-Document checking with banks, supplier and customer
-Inform payment date, insurance, shipments, arrivals, nationalization etc.

Rymax service ends only when the product arrives at the customer’s plant.

Rymax is an aggregator of advantages to your business, making it more competitive and profitable, because:

-we reduce the risk of importing in the prospect of the best product for your company

-we increased its profit margin, as the customer now has another purchase alternative, in addition to current suppliers

-reduces your operation cost, as Rymax works as your import department at no cost to your company because the supplier pays for our service.